you ready for Thanksgiving? Seth is out of school so we are ready for a
fun-filled week. We will not be home for Thanksgiving this year
because we are going to the mountains. Yippee!! We are so excited!! I have not
planned a Thanksgiving tablescape this year since we will be enjoying
the holiday in a wonderful chalet; however, I thought I would share a
few of my Thanksgiving tables from previous years.

We were in our "old, old" house this year. We have moved twice since then, hence as Seth says, the "old, old" house. I loved this formal dining room.We no longer have a formal dining room, and while we didn't eat there very often, I loved having a special room in which to eat on holidays.
This was the year we moved to our smaller house. We had only one dining area so we kept our large round table that had previously been in our breakfast room. It is still perfect for our family. I loved this simple centerpiece. I prefer tablescapes that aren't too fussy.
This was two years ago. I used my Wedgefood Strawberry and Vine as the main dishes. I added the Spode Woodland salad plate. I love any occasion to pull out my silver. I know it is silly, but my mom started my collection of Gorham Buttercup, so I love using it. They remind me of her so much!
I hope each of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am always so thankful for my blessings, but this year has been so wonderful for our family. I am blessed to be back 'home". God is so good!!!
Thank you for visiting Buttercup Bliss,