Our roses have been blooming like crazy!!
Hi! I don't know about you, but things have been busy around here! This post is full of random, rambling thoughts - a"catching-up" post, if you will. Don't you just love this time of year? I always say that Fall is my favorite season, but Spring is pretty spectacular too! It has been raining quite a bit, but we have been busy as bees sprucing up our back yard. We have worked on the landscaping for the front of the house since we moved in last summer, but we have recently started to work on our small backyard and patio. My husband truly enjoys working in the yard and I am truly thankful for that blessing. My daddy gave me a rocker that was my mother's to add to our outdoor space. I am going to paint it a bright, happy green. It will look so cheerful with all of the colorful plants. I am not sure that Jon is completely sure about the pink and green color scheme I have planned.
The pansies have been so pretty this year. It is
almost time to replace them with petunias and vincas.
I never got around to sharing our Easter table; however, I
found the pics on my phone and decided to share them even though Easter
is over. Remove the eggs and grass, and voila! - a pretty spring
table! Of course, I began with my Wedgewood Strawberry and Vine dishes. For an accent plate, I found these wonderful Lenox salad plates that are the perfect colors for spring. Our silver made an appearance for Easter. Simple white napkins tied with large "ric-rac"ribbon complete the look.
Pink, blue, yellow and mint green - pretty spring colors!
This pretty yellow table runner is a Home Goods find. The Gail Pittman eggs belonged to my mother. She had quite a collection. I have had the white tray for several years.
It is my "go-to" tray for many tablescapes. The white bunny cookie jar is so cute and simple! My husband and I found it at Cracker Barrel on one of our breakfast dates.
One of my favorite new things is my little coffee station. I placed the
items on a silver tray that belonged to my mom. A few of my favorite
Ironstone pieces were put to use as well. My friend, Ashley, of Ashley Anthony
Artwork, painted a precious little picture to hang above the coffee
station. Ashley is super talented. You may find her work in stores and
boutiques around the south. You may also follow her on Instagram (ashleyanthonyartwork) and
FB (Ashley Anthony Artwork).

Seth has been playing a lot of baseball. He loves it so much. He was
asked to join a travel team in January and he is having a blast! He
played on a city league team and a tournament team when we lived in
Alabama. We were so excited when he and Jon were practicing at a local
park when a member of a team saw them and began talking baseball. A few
days and practices later, and Seth was asked to join the team. You
would have thought he had been drafted by the MLB! As a mama, I dearly
love to watch him play. For someone who always pictured little
bow-headed girls in smocked or monogrammed dresses, I am having a
blast! This boy is the best thing that ever happened to me. We spent
Mother's Day out of town playing baseball. I wouldn't have it any other

In other news, today Jon and I are celebrating our 14th anniversary. We are planning a special date tonight. I know it is such a cliche', but the past 14 years have flown by. We have been through so much as a couple: from our home being destroyed in Katrina, to my precious mother battling and ultimately passing away from colon cancer, to Jon's sweet daddy passing away, to suffering a heartbreaking miscarriage. It has truly made us stronger! We laugh sometimes and say, "If we made it through all of this, there is nothing we can't overcome." I am so blessed to have Jon as my husband. He is a wonderful father, a hard worker, and he takes such good care of our family. We have enjoyed this past year so much! He now works from home, as do I (part-time) so we are together every day. After years of working full time and commuting each day, this time we get to spend together is such a gift! We are enjoying this wonderful new phase of our lives.
I will be back soon to share our "refreshed" outdoor spaces!
Thank you for visiting Buttercup Bliss,