Do you have times when for no apparent reason you are anxious or stressed? When you just don't seem like yourself? Or when you lie awake at night and don't know why you can't sleep. That is how I have been lately. Nothing is wrong, but I have just been sad. Last night I woke up at 12:30 and couldn't go back to sleep until after 4:00. Normally this drives me nuts, but I was off today and I knew I could sleep in so I decided to just lay there and figure out what was going on..... in other words, I was going to put into practice this verse: Be still and know that I am God. I tried to just free my mind and let God speak to me. I think in this day and age we are always so busy, busy, busy that is hard to stop and listen to God. I often read Bible study books or devotional books and I listen to Christian radio (Focus on the Family, etc.) on my daily commute. I do think all these are beneficial, but in cases like this I think I am learning or gleaning from others on what they have to say about God's word and what it means to our life. While this is a crucial part of growing as Christians, I do think it is equally important for us to simply listen to God and see what He has to say to us in moments when we need Him the most - whether this happens while reading scripture or in the still of the night. It is amazing what God will tell us if we will just be still and listen. I have been blessed by what God has revealed to me in these peaceful moments - an area of my life I need to work on, or someone has just come to mind and I just knew that I was meant to be praying for that person at that moment. Last night God did speak to my heart and I went to sleep with a renewed sense of peace and well-being.
I know that some Bible scholars say that this verse is not talking about meditating or listening to God, but for me, it does mean to quiet myself and totally surrender to God and let Him be in control of my life. I know I am not alone in that sometimes I like to do things my way - I don't know about you, but that doesn't seem to work well for me! When I force myself to calm down and BE STILL, I know, as always, that God is in control and nothing that I am dealing with is catching God by surprise.
I hope that if you are dealing with anything in your life you will listen to the words of this wonderful verse and "Be still and know that HE is God".
This week I am linking to:
Inspiration Friday @http://www.atthepicketfence.com/