Hi! I don't know about you, but I have been listening to Christmas music for about three weeks. I haven't started decorating my house, but in my heart, it is Christmas!!! I adore Christmas songs - mainly the classic songs from Bing Crosby, Gene Autry, Burl Ives, Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, and Dean Martin! Seth and I merrily sing along the entire way to school and work each day. Seth has been introduced to The Carpenters, Kenny Loggins, Brenda Lee and many more! We also love songs such as "The Grinch", "I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas" and "Dominic The Donkey". This one is sure to crack you up!! Seth has also discovered the Jackson Five - They sing his favorite version of "I Saw Mama Kissing Santa Claus".
Christmas music brings back so many wonderful memories. Gene Autry reminds me of the Christmas parade in my hometown in Mississippi. After the parade, Santa would ride through the neighborhoods and threw candy to children with Gene Autry playing through a loud speaker.

Recently while riding home from school, Seth and I heard a Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass Christmas song. I exclaimed to Seth, "Papa LOVES Herb Albert!". We decided to call my dad right then and tell him what we were listening to thanks to the Holly station. Sure enough, when we called Papa, he finished my sentence when I started saying "We are listening to Herb...." He said he and his coffee drinking buddies had been talking about HA and The Tijuana Brass that very day!! What a hoot!
Certain songs remind me of special friends. All the classic singers remind me of my dear friend from college, Bo. She knew every song ever sung by Frank Sinatra. "Christmas Guest", a fabulous country classic by Grandpa Jones reminds me of my precious friend, Wanda, who worked with me when I was teaching. We would get so excited each year when we heard it for the first time on the radio! It is the sweetest song ever!

It is just not Christmas until you've heard Burl Ives singing "Frosty the Snowman"!
I suppose my all time favorite Christmas carol is "Oh, Holy Night". With this song, it really doesn't matter who sings it - it always gives me chills. Celine Dion's version will bring tears to your eyes. What a beautiful reminder of what Christmas is truly about!
What are your favorite Christmas carols? Which artists and songs make the holidays special for you?
As always, thanks for visiting Buttercup Bliss!